Sunday, April 26, 2020

Digital models

First is the practice model.

Next is the transport methods of the people in college as they move around their rooms, the kitchen and meeting rooms. 

Another practice model created prior creating my connected initials

The forth model is my initials as I connected E, Y, Q and X together to form a tube like shape

Using Fusion 360 was a hard application to get used to. Whether it was the moving of the model to get the pieces aligned or creating duplicates as well as creating shapes when they overlap with the ones you created before. However, it did create an overall sense of understanding of the application and basis to create further models if desired. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

                                          Model Making                                           

Paper outline of the room. Without any additions to the room, it provides a basic feel of using paper to create a model.

In preparation to build the room in cardboard I created extensive notes of the dimensions in the scale 1:40cm. 

Using thin cardboard, I created a small replica of the room. I had slits in the outside of the room as a way to create a puzzle piece feel.

Then creating the actual model with the scale 1:10 I used the already gathered measurements from the previous attempt and addressed it to 1:10 scale. I also included the shapes I would need to cut out of the cardboard to assist with creating the model.

The 1:10 scale model made in cardboard. The difference between using the three types of materials: paper, thin cardboard and thick cardboard. It was evident that paper is easier to cut in straight lines whilst cardboard was easier to maintain its shape whilst I connected the parts. Creating the models in cardboard also included the use of adhesive glue which often left my workspace and hands very sticky.

Using magazines collected from the college, I created stickers to place around the outside of the room as well as on the furniture of the room.

I used magazines, pamphlets and other items found around the college representing the nature of the room as a college dorm room and to add some colour into the room.

Following this, I created a replica of the house that I lived in Melbourne.